Running The Race
The Christian life is like a race. One has to be energetic about winning. In 1 Corinthians 9:24 we are told, “Run the race in such a way that you may obtain the prize.” Don’t run for the sake of participation. Run to win! It’s about preparation, practice, hard work, making yourself uncomfortable, and putting in a lot of energy.
The Christian race, however, is different from an ordinary one in some aspects. In this race, rather than defeating others, we have to do what we can to ensure that they also finish. There may be some who are weak, slowing down, or some even going backwards. The Bible tells us to bear each other’s burdens. James 5:20 says, “He who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.” Also, as Christians our duty is to tell people who are not aware of the race about the dangers of not being a part of it, and about the hope set before us who are in it. Proverbs 11:30 says, “He who wins souls is wise.”
What kind of a race is the Christian life like? Perhaps it can be described best as a marathon with hurdles! During our run, there are times we fall; and times the climb is steep. It is a long -distance run. If you are in a marathon and haven’t prepared yourself for it, it is likely that after some distance you will find it impossible to go on. Likewise, if we remain comfortable and do not do the hard work that’s needed to keep fit and build stamina for our spiritual race, we may not be able to finish well.
The Christian race involves building stamina by feeding on the right spiritual food – the Word of God. It involves having good routines and habits to remain spiritually healthy and fit.
There is another aspect – running a tough race requires knowledge of the theory and techniques involved. Just like there is a science behind every sport, which a good sportsman should learn, in the Christian life too there is knowledge to be gained. If we are doing things with passion, but lack in knowledge, we can be doing it all wrong. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).
The other extreme is having a lot of knowledge, but not putting it to practice. If a sportsman studies the technique of a game but never practises it, he will not be successful. James 1:22 says, “Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
Sometimes people make a pretence of doing a lot as Christians, but in reality are doing nothing (Matthew 7:22,23). We will be known by the fruit we bear – what we do with the knowledge we have. The Word we hear should challenge us to make changes in our lives where required. If we don’t do what the word commands us, we will be like a man looking into a mirror but not doing anything about the faults he sees (James 1:23-25). To win in the Christian race, we have to come out of our comfort zone. We have to work on the shortcomings the Bible shows us and pray for His grace to overcome them. We cannot afford to ignore the Word.
When we struggle to follow God’s commands, we need to go step by step. In a race, one has to keep moving forward. Whether it is our behaviour, our unwillingness to forgive, our talkativeness, lack of prayer… we can start with small steps to deal with the problem and will find that it is doable. When we step out to obey God, His grace is available to help us overcome.
If you are working for God, but you are too comfortable and do not feel challenged, do something to move forward. Take up bigger responsibilities. Remember, complacency is an invitation for the devil. Keep busy in the work and the word of God. Build yourself up to be a skilled runner who not only finishes the race well but also helps others to do the same.
Message Summary By Ms.Karuna Varghese