Our Redemption through Christ
1 Peter 1:18-21
“Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.”
Four things are stressed upon in these verses:
We are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus
Peter was writing to people facing persecution and exhorts them to be holy, firstly because God is holy (v16) and is the Judge who will reward us according to all we have done, good or bad (v17).
In verses 18-21 he gives a second reason why believers should lead holy lives – because we are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus.
To ‘be redeemed’ is to be set free from slavery; to be bought back from it. In Hebrew there are two legal words that convey this concept. Ga’al means to ‘to free’ by means of a price paid. A form of the term, go’el, adds the concept of a personal intermediary, usually a family member (i.e. kinsman redeemer). The second term, padah, means to deliver or to rescue (e.g., the redemption of the firstborn – Ex.13:13,14 and Num. 18:15-17).
In this passage, Peter uses a similar word, to imply being purchased with the payment of a price. Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Christianity bestows value and sanctity to life, teaching us that the precious blood of Christ was spent to redeem it. The blood of Jesus is precious because it is from someone who was “without blemish or spot” – Jesus was sinless.
In Genesis 22 we read about God covering the sin of a man with the skin of an innocent lamb. In Exodus 12 the Passover lamb was to be sacrificed for a family. But finally John the Baptist declared Jesus to be “the Lamb who takes away the sins of the whole world.” Andrew, one of John’s disciples, heard this and followed Christ, later also bringing his brother Peter, the author of this letter, to Jesus (John 1:29;35-41).
Christ’s sacrifice was substitutionary. He gave His life in place of ours.
There is nothing else on earth that can redeem us.
We can’t be redeemed with “corruptible things like silver or gold” even if we offer such things to a church or religious place. The stains of sin can only be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
We all have a conscience which can be hardened and silenced; but nevertheless makes us aware of wrongs we do. The blood of Jesus cleanses our consciences, removing all guilt once we repent and receive his forgiveness. It makes us pure again.
The “aimless conduct” Peter is referring to is idol worship, which Paul termed “useless” (Acts 14:15). People needed to be redeemed from Both Jewish and Gentile traditions through the blood of Christ.
Jesus’ blood has also redeemed us from the curse of the law (Gal 3:13). The Christian life is not about rules and regulations, but about faith. Though the New Testament does give us many commands to follow, they are not to be looked upon as mere rules, but rather a means to live out our faith and love for God.
1 Cor. 7:23 says, “You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.” We do not serve men, but God, with all that we do.
Jesus’ sacrifice was foreordained
The redemption of God was not an afterthought. Peter reiterates here that Christ was foreordained before the foundation of the world.
Our faith in God is through Christ
We are able to put our trust in God because of Jesus. God approved of Jesus’ sacrifice when He raised him from the dead and gave Him glory. God planned for our salvation, made a way through Christ’s death, and accomplished it by raising Him from the grave.
Let’s remember that God has redeemed us with the precious blood of Christ His Son. It cost God His own life to give us life again. That’s a sure reason why we should live a holy life unto Him.