God’s Great Commission
When there’s an important task to accomplish, we need to have a format, a framework of steps to follow, in order to be successful. Any mission requires proper instructions and sufficient help for its successful completion. Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave us a mission. With it He gave us a format to follow, and He also promised the Holy Spirit, to empower, guide and enable us to accomplish it.
Matthew 28:18-20 details Jesus’ commission and the specific steps He expects us to take.
The first step is to PREACH. We speak to the world about many things, but need to ask ourselves how much we speak this important message – that Jesus died for sinners.
The second step is to MAKE. Making disciples is a difficult task. We are not to make disciples of a religion, but disciples of Christ. People cannot see Christ, but can see us, so our lives should reflect Him. There is a lot said about conversion, but when people’s lives are changed because of Jesus, the world can’t but see and acknowledge it.
The third step is to TEACH. An accurate doctrinal base is vital. Jesus told His followers, “If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed” (John 8:31). We can teach others only if we ourselves have learnt well. If we aren’t His disciples, we cannot make disciples for Him.
The fourth step is to WALK. When we know God’s word, we can walk in it and obey it. And when we do that, His promise to us is that He will be with us even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).
As Christians who are responsible for obeying the great commission, we need to ask ourselves – what state is our personal life in? The Bible gives us a lot of instructions in this regard. In 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 we are told that we ought to live to please God, and that it is God’s will that we be holy.
In Jesus’ earthly life, we have the greatest and best example to follow. Jesus’ very purpose of coming into the world was to do the will of the Father (Hebrews 10:5-7). Let’s look at a few aspects of Jesus’ life.
He was caught up in the work of His heavenly Father. At the age of 12, Jesus was found by His parents staying back at the temple and teaching the learned Jews there, when he was expected to return with them. He had got caught up in the opportunity to explain spiritual truths; to do the work of His Father.
He was obedient to His earthly parents. Until the age of 30, Jesus stayed with his parents and was obedient to them (Luke 2:51). His earthly father was a carpenter, and this profession was associated with Jesus. Our spiritual and family lives are in one framework and cannot be separated.
Sometimes our “spiritual status” makes us proud and we refuse to bend low to do smaller things. But Jesus worked under his father. He shows us true spirituality, and this is what we should pass on to our children as well. The world needs to see Christ not only in us, but also in our children.
He prayed. Jesus had a busy life, but always made time for prayer. Sometimes we are quick to tell others to pray for us, but don’t spend time in prayer ourselves.
He lived a pure life. Jesus could challenge people to point out any sin in Him. That’s our standard, what we should strive for. If we are truly His children, we should take up His lifestyle. Then our preaching of the gospel will be effective, and many will come to the Lord.